
Distracted Driving Research Paper

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Distracted driving is a huge issue that in 2013 took the lives of 3,154 Americans, according to As an up incoming driver I don’t believe Florida does enough to prevent distracted driving. Cell phones are becoming a bigger part of a life as we know it, and out of all the states that have distracted driving laws, Florida’s is the most lenient. Most people don’t care about distracted driving, they don’t realize how big of a deal it is. I didn’t, I didn’t really think anything of it, up until I watched a video called Red Asphalt V. It is an extremely graphic video about teenage driving. As I watched it I couldn’t help but think ‘what if that happened to someone Love?’ It’s a very scary thought, losing someone that you love like …show more content…

Most the time we are too busy trying to blame someone and creating bigger conflicts that we don’t take the time to just fix the issue. When people hear of teens that die in texting and driving incidents most tomes people will try to blame the kid for texting or the parent for not teaching the teen to not text in drive and when I hear things like that I can’t help but think to myself ‘are you kidding me?’ A human being just lost their life and that’s what you’re saying? Parents have to deal with the fact that their child is dead and you’re already blaming them? Don’t you think they blame themselves enough? I understand that nobody can save every life that’s lost but why not go as far as we can to try and save them? They are humans just like me and you, so when are people going to wake up and see that someone’s child will never have the chance to grow up, go to prom, or graduate because somebody was too busy texting too see their car. Out of all the states that have laws against cell phones and driving, Florida’s is the most lenient. Florida is in the top 5 most populated states yet according to in “Ocala only two citations have been written thus far for texting while driving violations. In the Northeast of Florida, particularly in Clay County, law enforcement has written zero citations for the texting violation. St. John’s County has also reported zero texting while driving citations” and it’s been 5 years since that law was made. Florida likes to tell ‘brag’ about this ‘put it down’ proclamation, but do people really know what it is? It basically a worthless piece of paper that Rick Scott signed saying ‘yea I know lots and lots of people have died from texting and driving but we kind of have a law that says you can’t text and drive (does NOT include talking on the phone

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