
Distractions In The Things They Carried

Decent Essays

There are many distractions that can affect men during the war. One of the biggest distractions is women. The distractions can either be a good or bad thing to the men, depending on how much focus they put into the war or on the women. Although there aren't many women in ‘The Things They Carried’, the women that are in the book, each play an important role to one of the men in the war. Three young lady’s named Martha, Linda, and Kathleen each represents something important. Lieutenant Cross, and O'brien have to learn how to deal with all the effects that come with dealing with a woman, then the men are out at war. Women can really affect how well men will ponder on something really heavy and how they will affect to that situation. This passage illustrates the conflict between love and war, and the dangers that come in between. Lieutenant Jimmy Cross carried letters from a girl named Martha, a girl who he was in love with. Although the letters were signed, “Love Martha”, he understands that it is not the love that he hopes it to be. He also carries photographs of Martha, a necklace, and the memory of the day that he went to the movies with her. One day they ordered to destroy tunnels collapsing on him and Martha, …show more content…

“Behind me, in my jeep, my daughter Kathleen sat waiting with a government interpreter, and now and then I could hear the two of them(kathleen and her friend) talking in soft voices.” Kathleen asks her father if he has ever killed someone. Although O'Brien did kill someone, he insisted on telling his daughter that he hasn't killed anyone, since kathleen is only 10 years old. O’Brien begins to reflect on his lie, and imagines that his daughter is an adult, and imagines that he might tell her the story of ‘The Khe’. Kathleen is only 10 years old and she is starting to learn about war stories, so he has to learn on how he words his stories to her. No one wants there child to think that there parent is a

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