
Diverse Sexual Offenders

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Diversity and Sexual Offenders Throughout my career, I have dealt with a very diverse population of individuals. In the beginning of my career in the helping profession I worked as a houseparent in a residential facility for troubled youth. I lived with and counseled a group of young women that came from a variety of socioeconomic and racial backgrounds. From there, I moved on to casework with a local department of social services. At that time I was involved with case planning and management with families who had their children placed in foster care, or were at imminent risk of placement outside of the home. For the past twenty four years I have been working as a child protective investigator. This has led to my working with a very …show more content…

Are sexual offenders more likely to engage in substance abuse, and why? Additionally, is there a causal factor between the two and do they interact with one another? The New York City Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services Request for Proposals to OASAS submitted this past February identified that sexual offenders were an interest for service proposals (2015-NYCSUDTS-RFP.pdf. pg13 ). With a history of family substance abuse, inhibition, and individual alcohol abuse, there is a likelihood that a therapist would deal with a person who may have sexually offended. When a therapist may see an offender is questionable. This may be following release from jail, during the assessment process, or during the course of a criminal or family court …show more content…

There also is a noted link to recidivism and repeat offending. In over half of early case studies completed it was found that alcohol was a factor. Either the offender was classified as an alcoholic or was drinking at the time of the event. In addition, this was even more indicative when it came to the grouping of child molesters where the numbers were again over half but on the higher end of almost seventy percent. The highest group of offenders where alcohol was mentioned involved incest abusers. (Aarons et Al. 1978 541-548). Later research has further supported this information in groups of inmates that had taken the MAST and the DAST. It was noted that again there was a high reported correlation between reported alcohol abuse among those convicted of sexual offenses. “This was almost ten times the rate of other violent offenders.” When looking at research throughout the United States, Australia and the United Kingdom offenders that were surveyed included rapists, child molesters, and exhibitionists. The highest level of alcohol abuse was noted with the population of child molesters. It is compelling that such data is there and often disregarded in the realm of treatment. (Abracen, Looman, Fazio, Kelly, Stripe 20; Kraanen, Emmelkamp

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