
Diversity In Science Fiction

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Moreover, there are movements that can be used as a skeleton base, or a template for movements within the world of fiction. This template can show how people of color can be more inspired to join STEM related fields through science fiction, because of how the template has worked for other minorities. The template is as such:
Choose a minority that is being underrepresented in the media, (b) create full multi-dimensional minority characters that are equal to the majority being depicted within popular media, and (c ) the effect of fiction and reality is changed to become more equal and encourages further exploration of the minority and their life. This template can be shown in the subgenre of afrofuturism, just on a smaller scale, as afrofuturism is not as accessible as mainstream media is. An example of this template being used on a large scale is the push for powerful and educated female scientists on the classic science fiction television show, Doctor Who. Doctor Who has run 50 and more years, with its ideals and morals changing with the political climate of the real world. Orthia and Morgain …show more content…

Since the template has been shown to be successful for women on a large scale, and Native Americans on the small scale - logically the template can be used to work for people of color on the large scale. Diversity is happening, it’s not as if there are sci-fi stories with no people of color at all - it’s getting diversity on a large scale that’s the goal. A goal for everyone to have access to seeing a part of themselves in fiction. Once people of color see themselves in a multi-dimensional character of color in an accessible and highly consumable way, that is when the STEM field will see more diverse employees, because of the powerful connection between reality and

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