
Divine Power In The Aeneid

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In the Aeneid, Virgil narrates the story of Aeneas as he flees from Troy to Italy to found a new empire and become the ancestor of the Romans. Throughout the narration, the tension between the gods in the Aeneid become increasingly evident. At times it seems like the poem focuses more on the gods bickering than on Aeneas’ voyage. The tensions and rivalries between the gods directly affect Aeneas’ journey, clearly showing the presence of gods in the human world. The presence of divine power in the Aeneid seems to indicate that during Vigil’s time, people believed that fate was in the hands of the gods ( ). Not only this, but the decisions of the gods was dependent on the hierarchical chain of the gods. Throughout the poem, Juno, the queen of the gods, repeatedly tries to challenge fate in order to stop Aeneas from reaching Italy and conquering Carthage. It is because of some deep rooted anger that Juno is compelled to defy fate, “The Fates forbid me, am I to suppose?” (1. 56-57), she put all of her energy trying to bring torment and suffering to Aeneas. Although Juno continues to stop Aeneas throughout the poem, Jupiter takes Aeneas’ side in order to make certain that, “destiny has not been changed” (1. 373).
In the end, Juno is only able to slow down Aeneas and try to make him suffer along the way. However, in order for fate to run its course, Carthage eventually gets destroyed and the Trojans lay down the foundations of Rome.
One of Juno’s greatest efforts against Aeneas

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