
Do People Have The Right To Die

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Do people have a right to die? When I read this question I think of it as asking can people end their own lives, or can people assist others in ending their own lives, before it naturally occurs? Some people may not consider this a serious topic and simply say yes. Why should I worry about someone else if they are not harming me or anyone else? Others take into consideration that this is a human life and soul. Life is a precious gift given to us by God and we are to protect it. The United States government has varying opinions on the matter of suicide. Nationwide, it is legal for a patient to refuse medical treatment even if it results in death. The due process clause contained in the fourteenth amendment of the United States Constitution states that any state cannot “deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law” (Mount). In the decision of Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health, the “Supreme Court established that the due process clause protects a patient’s liberty to refuse medical treatment, even if that refusal would ultimately lead to the patient’s death” (Is There a Constitutional Right to Physician –Assisted Suicide?). However, the Supreme Court determined that refusing medical treatment is different than asking someone to end his or her own life. This came about with the two …show more content…

(I can remember being taught this way since I was a child.) This belief is supported by the Ten Commandments in the Bible, “You must not murder” (Exo. 20.13). Self-murder is also a term used for suicide. There are also those who believe that suicide is like any other sin and can be forgiven. The Bible also supports this where it states that everyone who believes in Jesus “will not perish but have eternal life” (John. 3.16). Thus, one will be forgiven for the sin of suicide and have eternal life in

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