
Do Physical Rituals Done By Women?

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he value of beauty in this world depends on the high costs of achieving it; such a cost may be physical. There are various modern rituals that cause women pain, including wearing high heels, tight clothing, and receiving plastic surgery. When women wear high heels it can cause lower back pain and lead to podiatric disorders; they also can restrict women’s ability to run in case of danger or emergencies. Tattoos and piercings can be painful to get, and when done incorrectly can lead to infections. Other painful modern tasks such as shaving and waxing can lead to skin irritations. There is also the negative effects that dieting can have on your body, including irritability, difficulty concentrating, confusion, and reduced reasoning. Plastic …show more content…

Due to today’s expectations and media, a popular mentality of self-degradation causes some women to fall into these eating disorders. Cultural standards are what typically causes these disorders, but they can also derive from chemical imbalances. The issue lies in how the human brain seems to process body image. Many women’s perceptions of themselves are so tainted that they will harm themselves in an attempt to alter their appearance and overall felling of self-worth. These disorders are unfortunately very popular, and its sufferers are increasing in time. There are presently at least one million Americans with anorexia nervosa, and 95 percent of them are women, (Eating Disorder Hope 2017). The treatment for both of these mental illnesses will usually require cognitive therapy and much medical assistance. These two conditions are both examples of how today’s beauty industries and media can impact a women’s mentality. Economic Effects Attaining the infamous beauty ideal will also require a large amount of money. The average women spends $15,000 on beauty products over the course of her life, and $125,000 on clothing and accessories, (Mychaskiw 2013). Since the early twentieth century, the production of cosmetics has been controlled by a handful of multi-national corporations. The global cosmetics industries account for about 33.8 percent of the global market, and in

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