
Do We Really Know What´s Civil Disobedience?

Decent Essays

Many people don’t know what civil disobedience is and ask what it is? Civil disobedience is when people protest peacefully rather than protesting with violence or the intentions of hurting and destroying people's belongings. Civil disobedience is a symbolic violation of the law rather than rejection of the law as a whole. I agree with civil disobedience because I would rather see people protest peacefully and obey the law rather than protesting with violence.

Civil disobedience is one of many ways people have rebelled against what they say are unfair laws. “One of the first civil disobedience implements were brought about when the egyptians went against the british occupation in 1919”. One case of civil disobedience was when a farmer in Millau was taking a McDonald's down brick by …show more content…

Salt laws taxed the production of indian salt so that the country had to import british salt. Gandhi and his supporters began long march to produce salt and transporting it without paying any tax on it. The British arrested tens of thousand of people, and refused to make any concessions. It was even limited by its failure to win the muslims support. When the campaign began to have long-term effects that weighed against its failure to win its immediate goals. The first instance was inspiring for those who were taking part since there weren’t that many organized before. The second thing is that it announced to the whole world that Indian masses were a force and the British authorities were obligated to negotiate with their leader. The third instance stimulated further, when finally the salt march began to have a tremendous influence on the thinking and strategy of other insurgents such as Martin Luther

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