
Doctor Sue Hall's 'For The Love Of Babies'

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For the Love of Babies Reflection
The neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is not a place many parents want to experience with their child or loved ones. The neonatal intensive care unit is full of many different conditions; ranging from severely premature to severely hypoglycemic to needing a transplant. These conditions can be just as severe if not worse than those seen in adults or the elderly. So you may wonder, how can a body so new and fragile have the potential to thrive and survive with all these problems when even the adult body struggles with it? Well, the answer is not that clear cut. With a lot of hope, prayers, and miracle work from doctors and nurses these babies at times are able to survive but some do have setbacks. Many conditions …show more content…

In “For the Love of Babies”, Doctor Sue Hall does an extremely good job showing the positives and negatives of life in the neonatal intensive care unit. Doctor Sue Hall discusses many different conditions and elaborates on how the babies are effected by them, while also including us in the behind the scene views of her thoughts when trying to treat and care for these helpless babies. Dr. Sue Hall also shares viewpoints from different parents who have children in the neonatal intensive care unit. Doctor Sue Hall in a way gives us a small glimpse of how and what a baby, a parent, and what being a member of the neonatal intensive care unit staff entails. By including us in her work as a neonatal intensive care unit doctor, Doctor Sue Hall opened my eyes to the uncertainty and complexity these complications carry. Being a doctor in the neonatal intensive care unit means planning their care around choices of the parents, not necessarily what’s best for the infant. With that being said, any procedure or operation done on the infant at this point in life can have major effects on the infants life in the future. It is crucial that the neonatologist let parents weigh their options, not only deciding what is best for the

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