
Documentary Analysis: Supersize Me

Decent Essays

SuperSize Me is a documentary that was filmed in 2004 by Morgan Spurlock that explore the influence of fast food industry within our society. It mainly focuses on the king of fast food, McDonalds, in an effort to argue that people are faced with many weight issues due to the huge food corporations that is founded around us. This documentary was filmed to target adults to change their mind and help them to make a clearer decision on whether they should continue to eat fast food or not. The purpose of my poster is to promote a different/alternative view on the issue that was explored in SuperSize Me. The main idea that explored in my poster is that being overweight or having weight issues is acceptable. There is no shame for being big or chubby because big is beautiful and there is no weight limit to be beautiful. This idea is emphasized through the use of SWT codes when creating the poster. The main target audience for my poster is adults and teenagers who think they are too big and want to change to be slim and fit.
The view that being big is beautiful is the main exposition in my poster. I feel …show more content…

People need to know that their size is not important. What’s important is that they feel proud and confident of who they really are without trying to be like other beautiful skinny model. Through the combination of symbolic and written codes, technical codes is also use to represent my view, in particular through the use of camera angle. The use of models within the poster attract the attention of the reader to take a look at the poster. It will hold their interest as the models are eye level with the readers. It create the meanings that we are all the same, there is no need to change. It desire the reader to be like it and take action and stop themselves from changing. Big is beautiful has been altered from SuperSize Me original view to something that people can believe in and feel

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