Dodging responsibilities is not the easy way out because later come the consequences. A particular memory in which this relates to my life is to when I played softball for the past two years. This perfectly relates to my softball season in multiple ways. Being a part of a sport in high school might not feel like a teen’s first priority, making dodging your responsibilities easier. We had many responsibilities as a member of the team, like supporting one another and being punctual. When someone in the team did not want to do the two laps at the beginning of practice (tired or late), the whole team had to do more laps for our consequence. Moreover, our coach told us that ‘the team that plays together works together.’ Also, we all had to communicate
SHREVEPORT, La. – The Ladies softball team picked up their first win of the season, 4-2, in game one of the doubleheader, but five errors led to four unearned runs by the Wildcats in a 5-1 loss in game two between Centenary (1-5) and Louisiana College (3-1) Tuesday night, February 7.
My project advisor is Greg Lanman who is the director of the Peachtree City Girls Softball Association. He has been on the PTCGSA board for around 4 years and has two daughters who have also played softball. Over the past four years, he has put in a lot of energy and time into the softball program from dragging and lining the fields during the seasons to working the concession stand. Mike Latham is the president of the Peachtree City Girls Softball Association board and would help approve of the decisions about situations with storage and distributing the equipment to the girls. He would also help find a parent volunteer to help maintain the program. Joe Serratelli was my softball coach for four years and has been a part of the PTCGSA community
It’s not easy coming back from one of the NBA’s most devastating injuries, even if you are a potential star, but with the right grit anything is possible. To understand how Livingston made it through his struggles, first you need to know what grit is. Grit is the strive to success, or the determination to finish what you started. Shaun Livingston was a 6”7’ athletic guard that was on the top of his game until he tore three of four major ligaments in his knee. At this time in his life, Livingston’s grit was tested to overcome such tough obstacles ahead. To do so, he would have to use his perseverance, passion, and bravery to conquer his challenges and finally fulfil his dream to become an NBA Champion.
I play football, soccer, basketball, and run track. Consistently, I have evolved into a leader on each team of which I am a member. I am generally considered a captain or play some kind of leadership role on the team. During practices, games, and meets, I have always helped younger or less experienced teammates. Although I am frequently playing two sports at the same time each season, and have many practice and game expectations of me, I have never allowed it to affect my grades. I have maintained nearly straight A’s throughout my elementary school curriculum. I have accomplished this because I am extremely organized and
The teams have very different roles depending on whether they are at bat or catching. At bat players are tasked to open a play and run the lanes until they cross the escape line. Catching players are tasked to hit the players running the lanes with the ball. There can be a maximum of 2 players running in each lane at the same time. A player can be hit in both lanes once. Oina is actually what baseball was based off of. The team at bat is selected by a ritual where the players have to grab the bat, thrown by the referee, and the last one to be able to place at least 4 fingers on the bat wins. The game begins with the team at bat, with one of the players throwing the ball while another player of the same team has to hit it with a wooden bat and
Do you want to be able to beat everyone at the next home run derby? Ok you may not go to any home run derbies or be in softball, but learning to swing a bat correctly can give you an upper hand and give you something to teach other people. When you are a parent and your kid wants to learn the sport of softball or baseball you will be able to teach them the perfect fundamentals in swinging a bat. There is a lot more to swinging a bat than what most people think. When you think about swinging a bat do you think about your feet, your head, your hands, or your hips? I don’t think most people do. Well these hitting fundamentals will teach you how to have the perfect swing and these four easy stages will help you to teach others and if you want to hit the farthest.
I have known Lauryn Banks my entire softball career. Three words that come to my mind when I think of Lauryn are dedicated, supportive, and extraordinary. She is truly one of the most incredible teammates that I could ever have the honor of playing with. Lauryn is the epitome of hardwork. Our high school has an extremely competitive softball team. However, this did not discourage Lauryn. After making JV her sophomore year, she worked incredibly hard to make Varsity her junior. Not only did she make the Varsity team, she was by far one of the most stand out players on the team. Her hard work paid off when she was awarded second team all district infielder. Lauryn is both vocally a leader on the team and a leader by example. Whenever the team is down Lauryn is always there to pick us up.
Softball is a sport that is known throughout the United States and the world. Softball originated on Thanksgiving Day in Chicago in 1887. The game was actually said to have begun as an indoor game. Softball was started by a group of men who had gathered at a club to watch the Harvard vs. Yale football game. When the news came that Yale had defeated Harvard, 17-8, one Yale supporter, overcome with enthusiasm, picked up an old boxing glove and threw it at a nearby Harvard alumni, who promptly tried to hit it back with a stick. This gave George Hancock, a reporter for the Chicago Board of Trade, an idea. He suggested a game of indoor baseball. Naturally, Hancock's friends thought he was talking about playing a game outdoors, not indoors.
Being on the varsity basketball, soccer, and softball team all three years has been quite a journey. Learning how to manage the little free time I have being a student-athlete is a thing that ties directly into responsibility. I believe I am an exceptionally responsible adolescent for the reason that I always am able to create time for my academics. Although it may be at 11 P.M on the bus ride home, I know that my education is my first priority. My softball coach, Shane Jordan, always re enforces the saying, “You are a student before you are an athlete.” This will stick with me throughout the rest of my high school career. Being a part of many unique teams has taught me great amounts about unity as well. Caring about and being there for my teammates on and off the court/field is something I do
Softball is a growing sport for girls within the United States. Whether you are an 8-year-old girl, to a senior in college softball, it’s a sport that many are attached too. A new form of hitting came into play during the 2005 Women’s College Series. Slap hitting is a new form of hitting that changed the way the game of fast-pitch softball is being played. Slapping changed the way coaches and players think about how they are going to field a slap hitter. This form of hitting is becoming a major role within fast-pitch softball. When I got the opportunity to learn how to slap hit I was excited to gain this ability. With practice, patience and determination, I began to learn the hitting style that I use today.
Today is May 23, 2016, and my plans for the summer of 2016 are going to be fantastic! Okay so let’s begin, so first of all my summer is going to be filled with softball. I’m going to have tournaments all throughout the summer, long dreary practices, and long batting practice sessions with Coach Maggard. I already know it’s gonna be hard to squeeze in some fun, and some social time but softball is a sport that needs commitment and i’m willing to give it. So I have practice on Mondays, and Thursdays in Lake Wales. Every practice, we do 30 minutes of conditioning, then we throw, and after throwing the pitcher’s pitch and then defence fields the coaches or teammates hits, but on thursdays instead of this we go to the indoor batting facility for
I enjoy helping others pursue their passions and achieve their goals. Softball is a sport that has taught me many important life lessons including teamwork, leadership, and dedication. As softball is a sport that has taught me so much, I spent several weeks of my high school summers volunteering at softball camps. It was always rewarding to see the young girls discover their passion for the game just as I did when I was their age.
Everyone has watched softball, most likely baseball as well. Which do you prefer? How do you know that one is best? Well softball, of course, is the better choice. While watching both sports, you see them hitting, catching, and throwing a ball. Softball is more appealing. The reason for that is softball is a more difficult sport.
“Not everyone is going to see or accept you for who you are, and you have to accept that.” I was told this quote everyday by my mother. Today was no different, walking up to the raked field, quote on my mind , eyes on the fresh red clay, and the sound of my metal cleats against the concrete. I was ready for this day. After months of hard work from November to February , the tryouts for Central softball team were over. Over the span of four months, I pushed myself harder than I ever thought I could, but what I did never seemed to be enough for the team.
I decide to leave the baseball team because of my grades and sleep. I decided to leave personally, and not because someone told me to leave. When my grades started going down in the middle of the year I knew that I had to leave the team so I left the team threw the middle of the year. After leaving the team I started getting more sleep and my grades started going up little by little. I knew that school was first and the team wasn’t allowing me to get my work done. After I left I was able to do my