
Does Charlie Love Algernon

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A man named charlie gordon,his low I.Q. of 68 made him oblivious of the way life was surrounding him and going on.charlie finally had an opportunity to increase his I.Q. , when the the A.I surgery was over charlie developed new emotions , New emotions, fell in love, he was able problem solve,and understood the experiment and life surrounding him.
Not only charlie developed enm emotions, he also fell in love with miss kinaan (his teacher). He saw her in a new way, before the A.I. charlie saw miss kinaan as an old teacher, charlie is older than miss kinaan. Charlie even quoted “the thought of leaving her behind made me sad, that is evidence that charlie loves her. Charlie also acted different around miss kinaan started to get nervous around …show more content…

surgery charlie was able to problem solve, from equations to puzzles.”I beat Algernon”Charlie was able to beat algernon in the maze, before charlie would always lose to Algernon. Charlie also understood books equations to puzzels. Carlie was able to beat Algernon at the maze, before the A.i. surgery charlie would always lose to Algernon at the maze.
When charlie realizes the surgery was a failure, he tried to solve it and when he realized he can’t fix it he gave up on the equation to able to able to solve the regression.Charlie realized that he had a gift that he was given and to used for helping him in life. The equation was hard and charlie was frustrated that he was angry with anybody that bothered him he yelled at person who did.
Others may say that the A.I surgery was a failure but I argue that the A.I surgery helped charlie in many different ways to help him in life.Charlie lost friends and moved away from new york because of his regression. He realized that after his regression he was geins and he was grateful for what he had been given. Would you have the surgery to increase your I.Q.? Did you ever think that the A.I surgery could help Charlie in many different ways to help him in life and understand his surroundings. Charlie had many different effects due to this A.I surgery like fell in love, understands emotions and books, and understands the experiment and why it was a failure. If you can can give some of facts about the A.I surgery and why should it happen we might able to change the

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