
Does Martin Luther King Use Ethos In Letter From Birmingham Jail

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In Martin Luther Kings “Letter from Birmingham Jail” he is writing to the eight white religious leaders who had put him in jail. In 1963 black people were not afforded the same rights as white people. They would be put in jail for different things and menial things as where a white person wouldn't go to jail. Dr. King is in jail because the religious leader had caught him parading without a permit. So Martin Luther King uses logos, pathos, and ethos as a way to connect to his audience. He makes a connection to better make his audience know who he is and what credibility he has. He mostly hits out religious tones throughout the letter because that is what the eight white religious leaders mostly understand the best. King uses example of Hitler in order to prove that manmade laws are not always right. “We can never forget that everything the Hitler in Germany was “legal” …” (Paragraph 9) What King is trying to say in this sentence is that hitler did everything by the books and made laws about what he did. When King put it in Quotes it signals to the reader that king did not agree with this style because even though what he did was legal was not ethical. Hitler put people in concentration camps and gas chambers …show more content…

Thomas Aquinas to better connect with the white religious leaders that put him in jail. He used the phrases so that the religious leaders would have something to go off when discussing the morality of laws and what it means to be a moral law. King uses St. Thomas Aquinas to explain what a just law is. He says a just law is one that is “man-made code that squares with the moral law” (Paragraph 6) He wants to make sure the audience would know what the just law is and its definition. He is bringing in the religion because that is what connects him to religious leaders. That is what they understand best. He is making a connection to make sure they understand what they re doing is not right and he is sing religion to back up his

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