
Does No Guns Allowed To End Gun Violence?

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No Guns Allowed is a song released by Snoop Lion featuring Drake and his daughter, Cori B. The music video was released in 2013 by Berhane Sound System and its main message is to unify the world together so that we can end gun violence. The music video starts out with a portion of President Obama’s speech after the Sandy Hook shooting and pictures of newspaper articles that are about gun violence all around the world. He shows articles in different languages and videos of people speaking in different languages about gun violence and ambulances taking their loved ones. This video had a very positive effect and he was very successful in getting the message that he wants out to the public, but it is still an occurring issue that happens every day. …show more content…

In this video, Snoop Lion is advocating for stronger gun restrictions based upon all of the violence that has been inflicted on society today through shootings and deaths of innocent people. He wrote “No Guns Allowed to try and get guns off the street. He has had a personal experience with the harmful effect that guns have on people and wants it to end due to his first-hand experience with gangs. Through lyrics like “No guns are allowed, in here tonight. We’re gonna have a free-for-all, no fights”, he is trying to send a message to Congress and the rest of the world that change needs to start before more people are killed. He also delivers a message about unity and peace when he says “No more gunplay, when the bodies hit the ground, there’s nothing left to say.” This lyric is trying to show that we can’t do anything to save people’s lives after they’ve died so it’s better to prevent the problem from happening in the first

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