
Dolphin Slaughter Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Filmed in 2009, it follows the issue revolving around Taiji’s secret cove which is used to capture dolphins resulting in the market of selling dolphin meat and dolphins for entertainment. Key players, within this unnoticed problem in Japan, are the Japanese delegates in the IWC and the Taiji fishermen. Referring back to the role of the IWC in this issue of hunting, there is an issue of recognizing the complications of this hunting and their failure to take action. First, the Japanese delegates within the IWC refuse to recognize dolphins as part of the whale family, however dolphins are within the same kingdom, class, and order of whales. In addition to this, to gain votes, Japan helps poor nations in order to “buy” out that nation’s vote within the IWC, which allows Japan to do as they please and keep the public in the dark. Japan’s process of action is to ignore the …show more content…

The correlation of this issue of mercury poisoning and dolphin hunting begins with the Minamata disease that was discovered in the 1950s. The Minamata disease is a neurological syndrome due to mercury poisoning, there is a segment within the film showing people suffering from the disease and people trying to protest the government in order to show the world the issue of mercury poisoning. At the same time, they protested the government because the government chose to ignore the problem and the government also attempted to cover it all up from public view by calling the disease contagious. To clarify, dolphin meat contains extremely high levels of mercury due to the environment they live in, which also means the ocean contains mercury as well. The Japanese people are eating this mercury contaminated dolphin meat while the government and the IWC are ignoring the connection of mercury poisoning due to dolphin meat consumption and ignoring the past events of the Minamata

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