
Domestic Abuse And Neglect

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Coming home has been what people look forward to since we can remember, right? To be able to relax and put your feet up without worry. Well, for domestic abuse victims, it can be dreaded; coming home from a long day at work just to find your partner has been at home waiting for you to return, to point out what you did wrong and turn the positivity to dust. Questioning your loyalty to have a reason for you to stay home. When did all this start? Domestic abuse first started in Greece, 735 B.C. to discipline one's wives and children. It has escalated so much that domestic abuse is now the main cause of female injury in the US. A woman is beaten every nine seconds in the US, and most don't say anything about what is going on at home. They …show more content…

Domestic abuse is willfully intimidating, physical injury, battery and abusive behavior to show dominance and power, usually over a partner or child. Lots of theories point to the evidence saying that domestic abuse is learned. Young males will often see their fathers domestically abusing their mother and children, including oneself and learn that it is right to do it to their partner or vise versa, even if it didn't feel good seeing it happen as a child. Studies show that women who had been previously abused as children or saw that their mothers had been or are still being abused were more likely to accept the fact that it is normal for women to be abused and are more likely to be in a abusive relationship themselves without blinking an …show more content…

In lots of the cases the abusers usually try to get into a nice, trusting, and positive relationship first. They need to do that in order to get some leverage. After they get the relationship steady and positive is when they start to show their true colors. They are able to manipulate their partner to get them to stay. In lots of cases the abuser has gathered many manipulative skills throughout their life and uses them as an advantage. The abuser tries to isolate the victim. The article:“ Get Domestic Violence Help” opened february 15 2017 says“The abused still loves the person. They do not love their behavior. They believe that there is still hope that things will change, and everything will be as it once was. That is their hope. They may be in fear of the person if they choose to leave. This is the result of threats that have been made by the

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