
Essay on Domestic Terrorism

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Domestic Terrorism

National terrorism has been the focus of attention since September 11. But now domestic terrorism is becoming increasingly common among hate groups across the nation. Domestic terrorism can be defined as visible crime, or “street crime.” These acts would consist of violent crimes, (acts against people in which injury or death results) property crimes (acts that threaten property held by individuals or the state) and public order crimes. (acts that threaten the general well-being of society and challenger accepted moral principles) It can also however be described as political crime, (criminal acts by or against the government for ideological purposes) which would include the 9/11 and the Oklahoma City bombing. …show more content…

More specifically, we read and study for classes because we are students. In turn, people in these deviant groups plan and/or commit violent acts against people, other groups, the government, etc. because they are in those groups. A specific example from the article would be in “October 2004 in Tennessee the FBI arrested Demetrius “Van” Crocker who hated the government and tried to acquire explosives and chemical weapons so that he could blow up a government building.”[1] His role was to hate the government, and try to destroy it or hurt it in anyway. Perhaps the concept that would relate to this article the best is deviance. Deviance is behavior that violates the standards of conduct or expectations of a group or society. To our society these domestic terrorist acts and domestic terrorist groups would be considered deviant. They violate the standards of conduct or expectations that we set for our society, by committing acts of terrorism on people, other groups and our nation as a whole. Deviance can tie into the labeling theory which is when the label of being deviant is applied to a person. Furthermore, these people and groups would be seen as pure deviant(s), which means they are perceived as deviant and actually are deviant. This brings us to our last concept, social control, which are the strategies and techniques for preventing deviant behavior in any society. The article describes attempts

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