
Domestic Violence : A Global Phenomenon

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Domestic violence is considered a global phenomenon; research suggests that up to fifty percent of women worldwide have been physically abused by their intimate partner. Domestic violence can be defined as an incident or threatening behavior regarding violence or abuse between adults who are or have been considered intimate partners (Bradbury-Jones, C., Duncan, F., Kroll, T., Moy, M., & Taylor, J. 2011, p 35). Domestic Violence is a serious and prevalent health issue that affects victims worldwide and unfortunately is associated with considerable morbidity and mortality rates. Most women who are exposed to domestic violence are high risk for physical complications such as poor pregnancy outcomes, sexually transmitted infections and even abortions. These consequences significantly lead to poor physical and mental health issues, increased hospitalizations, and greater use of outpatient care, such as emergency room visits. This explains why preventive care is so important. Surprisingly despite the poor health status victims who experience domestic violence, there have been many shortcomings in the provision of healthcare services. Numerous medical clinics, associations, governmental agencies, and advocacy groups all recommend routine screening regarding domestic violence. Unfortunately many physicians don 't always follow what is recommended. This can be due to various reasons including lack of knowledge, inadequate training or fear of even offending their

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