
Domestic Violence : A Serious Problem

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There is no denying that domestic violence directed towards women is a serious problem all over the world, and here in the United States. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence reports that every 9 seconds, a woman is physically assaulted or abused in America.(NCADV) To understand domestic violence, one must first understand what domestic violence can consist of, and that is; the use or threat to use physical, sexual, or verbal behavior to force the partner to do something one wants; to degrade or humiliate; to gain or maintain a sense of power or control; to act out one 's anger inappropriately. Abusive behaviors may include subtle or covert harm as well as life threatening acts of violence. (NCADV) Domestic violence towards women is becoming increasingly talked about and discussed problem, and is receiving more attention than ever. There is now a better understanding on why women are easily targeted, how domestic violence can be stopped, and how a woman can receive help for emotional or physical damages to herself. Domestic violence can occur no matter the victim 's ethnicity, gender, varying age groups, or sexual orientation. Men are also victims of abuse, about 1 in every 7 men in America will experience some form of abuse from their spouse or significant other in their lifetime.(NCADV) But, the fact is is that women are more susceptible to become a victim simply because they are scared to leave their partner, or convince themselves that things will change, or

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