
Don 't Make Any Sound

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I wake up from what felt like an endless night. I was tired, and could not keep my eyes open. All I wanted to do was sleep. I feel that my head is immediately throbbing so I put my hand on it, thinking that it would stop the pain. It did not. I started to cry and wail because this pain was too much to endure when suddenly, someone put their hand over my mouth to stop me from crying. It was Tony. My eyes were still blurry from the tears, but I was able to tell who it was. Tony, the friend that I had ever since I was young. And he is still here in the greatest of all circumstances. “You got hit. Don’t make any sound,” Tony said to me. I looked around not knowing where I was. There was grass under my feet, and the sun above us was very hot. “Where are we?” I asked with every word coming out of my mouth hesitantly. Tony replied, “We don’t know. In the bush. They were going to kill you. That soldier, the one with the scarred face, he’s mean. They call him Lizard.” The first thing that I thought of right when Tony said it was that they were going to kill me. What had I done wrong that was deserving of this? These people are the ones that are deserving of a punishment, not me. All I did was go to school and now I ended up here. Why am I the one that has to get punished for this? “The commander asked who you were. I told him your name. That soldier Lizard made us carry you all night.” Paul said. “I don’t understand what is going on. How did we end up here?” “Lizard – He’s got it out

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