
Donald Trump Compare And Contrast Essay

Decent Essays

Donald Trump and Barack Obama have both attained the office of the president, although both have dramatically dissimilar family, educational, and career backgrounds.The vast contrast between the pair seems utterly divisive. However, through researching these men, it appears that they are not the complete and total polar opposites that the mainstream media would have us believe. Furthermore, I think it would be accurate to say that they both share some common ground.

To begin with, Donald Trump was born on July 14, 1946 to rather affluent white parents, Fred and Mary Anne Trump. His formal education through high school graduation consisted of the elite and expensive Kew Forest School and New York Military Academy. He later matriculated to the Wharton School of The University of Pennsylvania and graduated with a Bachelor's degree in economic studies. After two failed marriages that produced four children, he married his current wife, former model Melania Knauss, and they have one child, Barron. His early career as a real estate developer led …show more content…

Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in Hawaii, to a white American mother and a black Kenyan father. Throughout childhood, Obama's family was constantly on the move due to his mother's work. This resulted in a globally expansive type of education, where he was educated partly by being instructed by his mother, and partly by attending various grade schools close to where he happened to be at the time. He eventually graduated from Columbia University in New York. He took an interest in social work and civil rights movements while in college, and soon made the decision to pursue a career in these fields. His early professional life was one of leading and organizing grassroots style community work and assisting in local political campaigns. The fall of 1992, Obama married Michelle Robinson, with whom he has two children, Malia Ann and

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