
Donald Trump Dbq

Decent Essays

Dating back to the 1600s, ancient Greeks developed something that would change the world forever, democracy. As for the United States of America, we have two main parties, Democratic and Republican. Presidential elections are the start of a country disagreement. For years and years people have disagreed on many topics because of their own opinion about how things should properly be taken care of. As of today, Donald Trump is the U.S. President and has been since the year 2016. During the time of the election, everyone was talking about Trump. He was an unusual man that often spoke without a filter. Many Americans were surprised that a man with no political or military experience would be their president and run this country. As of today, there …show more content…

Donald Trump could not meet the same political expectations that presidents before him had. Americans have elected experienced politicians from the beginning, and they have watched the world progressively get worse every election. The people of the United States were tired of being let down by lying politicians that had promised the moon and stars but couldn’t deliver. In an article written by A.J. Delgado it states, “But the American public has reached a tipping point- we’d rather gouge out our eyes than select another career politician or Washington insider.” This quote is one that I couldn’t agree with more. Americans finally decided for themselves that enough is enough, and we deserve a change in this …show more content…

We have all heard someone say, “Did you see what Trump tweeted?” or “Donald Trump should have his twitter account shut down.” at least once, but why? Donald Trump does not stand before millions of U.S. Citizens and tell them what they may or may not want to hear, he tells them what they need to hear. Trump is not a president that has his speeches written out for him to make him sound professional or make him a liar. He speaks the words that everyone is thinking but are too scared to say. Trump speaks the words that he believes to be true no matter the consequences. During the Declaration speech on June 16, 2015 Trump stated, "They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists, and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards, and they're telling us what we're getting." In this quote from Trump he clearly tells exactly what he knows and what he thinks. For instance, if he doesn’t know the exact answer or the proper way to say something he will just say it like he wants to. Donald Trump is not a man that puts on, he is a man full of truth and honesty no matter who likes it or who don’t. Considering this is how he is, having no filter is a big reason he became president. More people will believe a man that doesn’t sound like he is an actor reading his script off of a screen. Americans want the truth and nothing but the truth, and that’s what Trump brought

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