
Donald Trump, Fresh Off A Hastily Arranged Visit To Mexico

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Donald Trump, fresh off a hastily arranged visit to Mexico where he met with the country 's president, doubled down Wednesday night on his vow to build a "great wall" along the southern border -- and make Mexico pay for it -- while outlining a more focused mission for the deportation force he 's promised to create.

In a speech in Phoenix meant to clarify his immigration positions after appearing to soften his stance, the Republican presidential nominee outlined a hardline set of proposals for tackling illegal immigration. He did not, however, definitively call for removing all illegal immigrants in the country.

Rather, Trump vowed to focus first on deporting the estimated 2 million "criminal aliens" on day one, while also prioritizing …show more content…

"Maybe they 'll be able to deport her too," he quipped.

He told the crowd that there are some immigrants who will be unable to assimilate into American society.

“It’s our right as a sovereign nation to choose immigrants we think are the likeliest to thrive and flourish and love us,” he said.

Amid rumors he was considering softening his trademark position on building a wall on the southern border, Trump made his position very clear.

"We will build a great wall along the southern border," he said to cries of "build the wall" from the boisterous crowd. "And Mexico will pay for the wall."

He later said the wall would be "impenetrable, physical, tall, powerful, beautiful."

Trump’s speech comes after he met with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto earlier in the day and asserted America’s “right” to build a border wall during a hastily arranged visit to Mexico City.

Leading Countries of Origin for Criminal Deportations in 2014 | FindTheBest
While both leaders adopted a measured and respectful tone, with Trump calling it a "substantive, direct and constructive exchange of ideas," there was disagreement on the question of the wall.

While Trump told reporters “we

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