
Donald Trump's Reinterpreting Events

Decent Essays

Reinterpreting events:

Democracy allows for the citizens of a country to hold those responsible, accountable for their actions. Donald Trump is running for the presidency but unlike many other candidates, he does not communicate the truth media sources. He reinterprets events that have taken place and tries to put a positive spin or misplace the blame.

Mr. Trump claims that leading democratic candidates Bernie Sanders and Hilary Clinton are encouraging people to protest. ““These are professional agitators,” he added, without evidence” (Yuhas, 2016) to cause a disturbance at his rallies. “We have very little violence.” (Yuhas, 2016)Trump boasted about his republican supporters. Donald Trump has placed the majority of the blame for the violence …show more content…

On separate occasions has Donald Trump passed the blame from himself to someone else without just cause for doing so. Mr. Trump blamed Bernie Sanders for protestors that derailed his campaign stop in Chicago. "Some represented Bernie, our communist friend," Trump said” (Jeremy Diamond, 2016). A liberal organization called released a statement following the comments made by Trump about the protestors and admitted that they “helped students print signs for the protests at the Chicago rally and recruit members to attend the "student-led protest." (Jeremy Diamond, 2016). Trump has accused Sanders of being responsible for the protestors in Chicago without knowing the complete story. Donald Trump interprets anyone, protest group or organization as a personal attack that was plotted by democratic front runners. These groups aren’t protesting him but rather his ignorant policies that he is proposing for the United …show more content…

Donald Trump has used this power to intimidate those who oppose him. “Trump roots his intimidation in a worldview — the need for the strong hand” (Gerson, 2016). Trump has used examples of ‘strong leaders’ to praised them for the actions. Trump references the massacre of Tiananmen Square, China, as country showing its true strength (estimates lean towards as many as three-thousand killed). Mr. Trump criticized the methods used to dismantling the protest but admired the Chinese government on the strength that was shown. Another example of Donald Trump condoning violence as means to intimidate is when he responded to a journalists inquiring about Vladimir Putin having seven prestigious media personal killer. ““He’s running his country and at least, he’s a leader, unlike what we have in this country.” (Gerson, 2016). Donald Trump shows his approval of these strong leaders and criticizes traditional democratic countries. It is a scary thought to imagine Donald Trump becoming one the of the most powerful people in the world who approves the use of Martial Law to control, intimidate and show the strength of a

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