
Donald Trump's Rhetorical Analysis

Decent Essays

Donald Trump announces his candidacy by insulting Mexicans and calling for a ban on Muslims. He went on to say that he would build this wall and MAKE Mexico pay for it. In his SO CALLED outreach to African-Americans, he insulted the Black Community with his disrespectful rhetoric. Trump didn’t stop there. His bullying on twitter against women, a Gold Star Family, the FBI, and people who don’t agree with him had been relentless until his aides took away his twitter account the last few days before election day. In his last debate with Hillary Clinton, he interrupted her by calling her a “Nasty Woman”, simply because she stated that he would pay more taxes under her administration if he didn’t find a way to get out of it. Trump thought because he was rich, arrogant, and egotistical that he could get away with bullying and …show more content…

Nasty Women Have Had It with Trump
Women already had a problem with Donald Trump, but his “NASTY WOMAN” comments only exacerbated it. Over the years, he had called women pigs, fat, ugly, bimbo, and body shame them. His bullying of former Miss America, Alicia Machado on twitter showed a lot of people that he doesn’t respect Women and is NOT fit to be President.
The final nail in Trumpism’s coffin is when that Access Hollywood videotaped was leaked to the Washington Post and twelve women came out to confirm that Trump had done exactly what he bragged about doing to women.
Women from all walks of life have been outraged by Trump saying that because he was a celebrity he could kiss women and grab them by the p*ssy without their permission. Both men and women were appalled by his comments. Educated Republican and Independent Women have decided NOT to vote for Trump because of his lack of respect for women and primarily he is “UNFIT” to be

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