
Donation Persuasive Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Despite the many people who pleaded with me to accept donations, I have always refused.

This last winter I went after having gone weeks without heats and a few days here and there where I choose to feed the feral cats rather than myself, I did need to make a decision.

Rather than accept donations, we closed Wildlife Planet and End Yulin down.

I did try Patreon for a few days and as the donations started pouring in, it made me sick knowing the $25 I just received could have gone to save a dog in Yulin or protect a baby rhino who just witnessed her mother getting slaughtered for her horn. I closed Patreon down because I could not accept your generosity.

But after going through weeks this winter without heat, and more than a few days without food, I did need money to survive.
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If I do my job well and offer content that is worthy of your generosity and I get enough supporters, I and my sites will survive and thrive because I can work much better when my stomach isn't growling and my fingers aren't numb LOL

I will still feel uneasy about your generosity but feel that while that $1 means so much to us, you would still be able to help those animals that truly need your gift more than I.

The words have not been created yet, that would explain how grateful my family and I are for your gift. I can only say I am truly blessed and every day I will earn the faith you have shown in our sites and in me.

Thank you

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