
Double Horn Research Paper

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The horn is one of the most complex instruments of the entire brass section. Many people call it a french horn, but now many people just call it the horn. There are two types of horns, the single horn and the double horn. The single horn plays in the key of F and the double horn plays in both F and B flat. The horn has five different parts; the mouthpiece, mouthpipe, valve system, body, and the bell. Depending on the model of the horn the bell can either be fixed on the horn or can be screwed on and off so it can be more mobile. The instrument is made up of brass or nickel. It is a conical instrument that starts with a mouthpiece and then has large valve system and then the bell which is around 30 cm in diameter. The bell faces down …show more content…

There are also mouthpieces made of plastic. Because of the shape of the mouthpiece it produces a more more mellow and softer sound than the trumpet. Many players use the mouthpiece to warm up before they play.
The horn uses rotary valves unlike the trumpet which uses pistons. The valves are used to change the length of the tubing in the horn, which changes the pitch. The single horn has three valves and the double horn has a 4 valves with the valve near the thumb that switches from the F to the B flat side of the horn. The double horn has two different sections of tubing with different lengths. One side plays in F and the other in B flat which is a fourth higher than F. By pressing the first of the three valves the instrument is lowered by one tone, the second lowers the pitch one half step and the third lowers the pitch one and a half steps. When the first and third valves are pressed, a tone that is incredibly sharp is produced. The player creates a pitch by buzzing their lips on the mouthpiece. In the horn, when the player plays the instrument air goes through the mouthpiece, through the mouthpipe, which has the tuning slide, which connects to the valve system. Once the air flows past the valve system it creates the pitch in the …show more content…

There was also a spiral horn which looked more like a trumpet but sounded more like a horn. IT was used for hunting signals with more complex tunes. Horns were also used in Bohemia and Germany by court trumpeters. But the horn was mostly used for hunting ensembles. In 1818, Heinrich Stölzel and Friedrich Blümel patented the first valved horn in Germany. The valves were created so players did not have to change the lengths of their slides while they were playing. The double horn was created in 1897 by Edmund Gumpert, who was the nephew of one of the most famous horn players and teachers of the nineteenth century, Friedrich

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