
Douglass Example 3

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1.Slaves didn’t know their mothers or birthdays. Assess the impact on their mental well being ? The growth of the child can’t leave his mother. Care of the mother for the child 's future character formation, have a decisive role. Slaves don‘t know their mother, so they don’t get good care, no guideline, no direction. The slave don‘t know their birthday, so that they don’t have a sense of identity for self. It is easy to hurt them as a person 's sense of belonging. 2. Slavery degraded master and slave. Masters derived pleasure from abusing chattel. How would this behavior contribute to their diminished humanity? Than 400 years of the slave trade, it is estimated that the slaves brought to the Americas from …show more content…

Frederick believe that the existence of God, preached equality and love, should all people can have. 15. Edward Covey had a reputation. What was that reputation and how did he earn it? A snake? Thomas can not stand, put Douglas sent to Edward Covey, allow Edward to rebuke Douglas.Edward is a cruel person, he will be whipped slaves. Often given to the work of Douglas some difficulties. Douglass believe Covey Christianity is false. Edward is trying to deceive ourselves and God, that he is a true Christian, but some of his crimes that he is a sinner. Later, Douglas and Edward fighting, from then on, Douglas began to flee. Finally, Douglas became a brave man, Edward is just a useless master. 16. Did Covey break Douglass’ spirit? How was Douglass reborn? Why was it a turning point? When Douglass was born become a slave, grew up in the south to engage in heavy slave labor, tortured, and several times nearly lost his life. However, his strong will struggle in difficult circumstances, assiduous self-culture. Slaveholders see bad discipline, he took him over to a dedicated tame slaves and whites - Covey to discipline. Douglass decided to revolt after being repeatedly beaten,

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