
Dr. Brown Belonging

Decent Essays

Dr. Brown gave a different perspective on how humans perceive shame, courage and vulnerability. She has spent much of her career figuring out what keeps us from living a kind of wholehearted, fully involved existence that we’re trying to lead. Dr. Brown introduced some concepts that, for the most part, I agree with. Her first idea is that fitting in is not belonging. I agree with this because fitting in is changing yourself to fit the norms of society and people. Belonging is letting yourself be who you are. There is a struggle to let yourself be heard for who you are because humans have a desire to be accepted. What is interesting is that belonging depends on self-acceptance. Believing that you are enough and that you are worthy is the foundation to allowing self-expression and to be authentic. What really stood out to me is when Dr. Brown said, “we hustle for the worthiness we already possess.” Personally this impacted me because I struggle to feel self-worth and happily conform myself to others preconceptions of me. Dr. Brown’s insight on the matter is something I would like to further explore. …show more content…

When I think of guilt, I think of the uncomfortable feeling of wrongdoing. Dr. Brown describes it as something to keep us on track. Guilt comes from the comparisons of our personal lives and our failures something we’ve done. The discomfort that I had mentioned is really a motivation for change, amends and self-reflection. Guilt and shame are closely tied to each other in the way that they both generally are not liked by people, but they are two completely different emotions. Dr. Brown explains that shame sparks guilt. She tells us that once we understand the difference, we can feel more positively about

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