
Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde Character Development

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Throughout the course of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde, there were three characters that underwent significant changes in their traits. Those three were Dr. Jekyll (of course), Mr. Hyde, and Mr. Utterson. One common pattern in the book was that all the character change was due to the plot and mystery of the novel. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde were both the most affected due to potion, obviously because Jekyll was the formulator of the chemical. Mr. Utterson, who, although, played an important role in the story, did not experience much of a character change; this was probably intended by Stevenson because he did not want the main voice of the novel to change over time, which does make sense. However, the main change to notice in terms of character development of any of the characters was with Dr.Jekyll/Mr. Hyde. As, stated in the last …show more content…

Utterson and although he did not undergo much of an alteration in traits and qualities, he still played a noticeable role in the story so he is worth to be analyzed a bit. In the first paragraph of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Mr. Utterson was described as an introvert and very unsocial character, quite ironic considering the fact that he is a lawyer. The only time his attorney-like qualities showed through was when he was amazed by the peculiarity of the case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. (This may have just been a mandatory case he had to take, though, because Dr. Jekyll was his client.) Nonetheless, there were a multitude of occurrences of when Mr. Utterson just would not let go of the subject, even when told repeatedly by his one, and only, friend Mr. Enfield to get rid of the subject matter. He kept this detective-like investigation and trait throughout the novel, though, so it is worth being noted. Overall, Mr. Utterson kept a consistent and clear approach to the plot and helped, in a sense, guide the reader through the turn of events that took

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