
Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde Good Vs Evil

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The name of the book is “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” by Robert Lewis Stevenson. This story was about the dual nature of man and good vs evil. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is one physical person with two different personalities, one good and one evil. This condition was caused by an experiment that Dr. Jekyll had performed on himself. Dr. Jekyll was a scientist that came from a rich family. He was respected in the community and was nice to people. Mr. Hyde was the complete opposite. He was very evil and had no guilt or no morals. Even his looks changed. When he was Dr. Jekyll he was young and handsome and when he was Mr. Hyde he was hideous and ugly. In chapter one the character Mr. Enfield states “There is something wrong with Hydes appearance. I never saw a man I so disliked, and yet I scarce know why. He must be deformed somewhere; he gives a strong feeling of deformity, although I couldn’t specify the point.” By this Enfield senses not only is he ugly on the outside he is also ugly and evil on the inside. …show more content…

Jekyll is an educated doctor who gives money to charities and is a good friend to others but also at the same time wants to know what it’s like to do bad things. When he turns into Mr. Hyde he commits those crimes. An example is when Mr. Enfield witnessed Hyde trampling over a young girl. When the crowd that had gathered demanded he make amends, Hyde bought off the crowd with one hundred pounds using a check with Dr. Jekyll’s name on it. This shows that Mr. Hyde had no remorse or

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