
Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde Research Paper

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In the Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel, “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde can be seen as an analogy the good and evil forces that are present in every individual. Dr. Jekyll (who is a well-respected and educated doctor) secretly creates a potion that enables him to express his vile urges without the sense of remorse. As a result of drinking the potion, he forms into a pale, deformed, and younger individual- Mr. Hyde. As Dr. Jekyll's journey of two identities continues, Dr. Jekyll becomes unable to control his transformation of Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde. His evil identity takes over his righteous identity and eventually leads to his death. Like Mr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Cyberbullies can also have an alternative …show more content…

Dr. Jekyll enjoyed being Hyde because he felt younger, stronger, and was entertained by committing crimes. He creates Hyde (who is notorious for murdering Sir Danvers Carew and trampling a little girl) because he doesn't want to sacrifice his facade of respectability as Dr. Jekyll. Dr. Jekyll takes advantage of his second identity to use it as an outlet to release his inner demons by hurting others. This circumstance could be applied to today's culture when individuals cyber bully others. Like Jekyll, some individuals are unhappy in their daily lives and use a source (the media) to attack others. For instance, in the film Cyberbully, directed by Charles Biname, a teenage girl named Taylor Hillridge is a victim of cyberbullying and is overcome with depression (Wikipedia). Towards the end of the film, she discovers that one of her close friends created a fake account in order to cyber bully her. Similar to Cyberbully, throughout intensive investigation from Lanyon (one of Henry Jekyll's closest friends), he found out the truth of Mr. Jekyll's alternative identity and died due to the pain and shock. Later, Mr. Utterson (a wealthy lawyer and friend of Mr. Jekyll) also finds out the truth. Overwhelmed with guilt and lack of self-control, Dr. Jekyll kills himself. Jekyll tried to conceal the fact that he committed sins when he was Hyde. Trying to hide and move on from …show more content…

Jekyll experimented with this cunning and scientific establishment, he became addicted to his ability to transform into Mr. Hyde. In Jekyll's full statement, he describes how he became a victim of Hyde because he would transform into Hyde without the potion- losing his self-power. Jekyll becomes the weaker identity and is mentally consumed by evil. “...I bring the life of that unhappy Henry Jekyll to an end.” (Stevenson, Chapter 10). Hyde killed Jekyll because although he was physically weaker in the beginning, Jekyll's addiction of the consumption of the potion and it’s power led him to lose control of changing identities and eventually led to his death in the figure of Hyde. Many individuals who cyber bully become addicted to the concept of obtaining an alternative identity and what it allows an individual to do. An addiction to cyberbullying can take a toll on another individual's life. According to CBC News, “There have been 41 suicides since 2003 involving cyberbullying in the United States, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom…”. Similar to Jekyll's suicide, Taylor Hillridge in the film Cyberbully, directed Charles Biname, attempted suicide due to the vile comments her peers at school would tell her online. She allowed the cyber bullies to defeat her just how Jekyll allowed Hyde to take over his life. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is equivalent to good and evil. Although Jekyll had evil thoughts, he commits his sins when he is Hyde. When he created Hyde he

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