
Dr Jekyll's Letter Good Vs Evil

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There isn’t a distinctive difference between good and evil, however, they do intertwine with one another. Dr. Jekyll, who is upright and of good virtue in the eyes of society, has finally came in contact with his secret darker side. In a letter, he explains his understanding of the binate nature of human: “It was on the moral side, and in my own person, that I learned to recognize the thorough and primitive duality of man; I saw that, of the two natures that contended in the field of my consciousness, even if I could rightly be said to be either, it was only because I was radically both.” (10.1) On their weekly Sunday walk, Mr. Utterson listened to Enfield tell him the tragic story about an assault. As they walked the small quiet London street they began discussing if Mr. Utterson had ever remarked the door. He says that he hadn’t, but also remembers that it a story is connected to it. “It is connected in mind. With an old story” he adds (1678). He continues with the story saying that he was on his way home from some place at about three o’clock in the morning on a black winter morning when he noticed a child running as hard as she could by herself and a little man stumping along. The two then ran into one another and the man trampled calmly over the little girl’s body afterwards and left her screaming on the ground. He goes on to …show more content…

He explains to Utterson that he has had a shock and that he enjoyed life, but Jekyll is sick too. However, when Utterson insisted on him seeing Jekyll he refused saying, “I shall see no more of Dr. Jekyll. I am quite done with that person. I beg that you will spare me the allusion to whom I regard as dead” (1694). A week afterward, Dr. Lanyon died. After Lanyon died, Utterson opens the letter and discovers that he passed away from a shock a seeing Mr. Hyde take a potion and metamorphose to turn to Dr. Jekyll. He explained how Jekyll was trying separate his evil side and good

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