
Dragon Slaying

Decent Essays

Dragon Slaying Essay

The largest obstacle I have overcome is the process of getting a driver’s license. It requires dedication, hard work and time to successfully complete each step of the process. I overcame the process of getting a driver’s license by taking a test to acquire a learner’s permit, taking a full semester of driver’s education, and then completing the behind the wheel course.

The first step to getting a license was taking a test to receive a learner’s permit. It requires a good deal of studying, since there are sections of the test where you will instantly fail if you miss a single question. I myself failed this test once, and had to wait a full two weeks to re take it. I spent a deal of time reading the booklet that was given to people about to take the test, so that I would be ready for the second try. I passed the test the second time without missing a single question, and I moved on to the next step in the process.

The next step was completing a driver’s education course. In school, the course is a semester long, and it is impossible to get a driver’s license without completing the class and receiving an official certificate signed by the teacher and an administrator of the school. This class was the most time consuming step in the process, and it also included …show more content…

It was the hardest but shortest of the steps. I had to prove to a driving instructor over the course of 10 sessions (15 hours) that I knew how to drive well. I was required to drive on all kinds of roads and terrains (such as gravel) in various weather conditions. This course was the where I was to apply everything I knew about driving and what I knew about the laws concerning driving. After completing all 10 sessions, the instructor provided me with a temporary driver’s license, and told me that I would eventually be assigned a court date to go and receive a solid and permanent copy of the

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