
Dreamcatcher: A Short Story

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Dreamcatcher sat on a sandy beach, absentmindedly watching the black waves wash onto shore and return to the endless sea beyond him. As usual, the moon was completely covered by dark ashes that came out of the looming volcano in the distance. The air smelled strongly of salt water that the wind blew from the sea. He sighed melancholically. This was the beach of his childhood.

He liked this beach, it put distance between him and all of his problems. It was calming how the wind slowly blew in and the waves rhythmically crashed against the shore. He used to spend a lot of time at this beach. Sometimes for hours at a time, he would simply think and look blankly into the dark night. It was here that he often thought about the war and why he was …show more content…

Even in a place like this,” Dreamcatcher said cautiously, listening closely to the response is given.

“Yeah, I don’t get a whole lot of views like this where I am from,” answered a rather feminine voice behind him. The voice belonged to someone rather old, maybe someone in their mid twenties, certainly no child. Her voice sounded cool and calm, almost superficially so. This was someone who certainly sounded like they had a lot of experience talking. Her words were soft and unassuming, a signal that she didn’t want to come off as threatening. This kind of dragon is the the most dangerous kind. Let your guard down for a second, and they will exploit you.

Dreamcatcher’s mind started to work. She mentioned she doesn’t get to see the sea much where she was from, so it could only reasonably be a Skywing or a Sandwing. Tribes that are relatively far from a sea. Dreamcatcher continued the conversation, but carefully.

“You don’t get to see this a lot? Not a lot of places in Pyrrhia where you can’t see the sea. Where do you come from?” Dreamcatcher …show more content…

Suddenly, Dreamcatcher remembered everything. The reason he was so worried before, was because he has seen this recurring character in his dreams. Often, she wouldn’t be doing anything. She would just… watch. It was incredibly unnerving, but for the longest of times, he would simply brush her off as just another figment of his increasingly troubled imagination.

“Wait, you’re apart of my dreams?” Dreamcatcher asked. The more he understood the situation, the more the dreamy haze was lifted from his mind.

The dragon in front of him nodded. “Yes, yes I am, but it goes deeper than that, I’m afraid,” she said, unconsciously touching a curious glowing stone that she is wearing around her neck. “Just because I am a part of your dreams, does not necessarily mean that I am not real.”

Something in Dreamcatcher’s mind clicked. “You’re a dream visitor aren’t you?” Dreamcatcher asked, making a mental note to be a lot more careful with his words and actions now that he knew this was a very real dragon with very real motives. “I thought they were just a myth?” Dreamcatcher asked, trying to play down his own

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