
Dreamonfest-Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

This is late, but i’ve been busy, what else can I say? Finding the balance between working on my writing, generating steady income, and progressing with creative projects has been grueling. However, It’s been a satisfying challenge. We all struggle and for the first time in awhile, I feel like i’m struggling for a good reason. But that’s a piece for another day, I digress.

So this past 4th of July weekend I had the honor of working the second annual DreamonFest. which is a music and ice cream festival in Pittsburgh, PA, in the middle of market square.

I joined a team of six (Joshua, Steve, Patrick, Thomas, Andrew, and John) who partnered with 15 highschool and GED students currently excelling in inner city schools, agreeing to give them part ownership of the event. The partnership was meant to promote entrepreneurship in inner city youth. The event itself was meant to promote community unity and was a great opportunity to show off …show more content…

It was my job to connect to our audience in all areas of social media; by providing great sights, sounds and commentary of the event. Sounded easy enough. The only hurdle was the fact, going into the weekend, I was completely oblivious.

Not only was it my first time meeting a majority of the people I would be working with. I was doing it in a completely new environment. I have never been to Pittsburgh before. So I had no clue how the scene would develop, what kind of audience I was connecting to and didn’t know how big my role would actually be. I couldn’t even tell you what kind of music would be playing.

Even with so much unknown, I was far more excited than I was nervous. There was a buzz amongst the team that the event could be big. So I was just happy to be given the opportunity to be a part of it. My expectations were modest but my hopes were high.

However what proceeded to happen over the next 3 days blew away any scenario I could have ever dreamed up on my

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