
Dreams, By Sigmund Freud

Decent Essays

Dreams appear to have a universal language. In ancient societies, dreaming was viewed as some kind of supernatural communication. Dreams are fascinating mysteries. To begin the discussion of dreams it is important to make the statement that dreams can be considered an extension of consciousness. In other words, dreams can be a way the brain organizes and analyzes the day to day events during sleep. Every one dreams however, not everyone remembers their dreams. Freud believed that our dreams are buried unconscious emotions and as we sleep our mind releases these emotions in the form of dreams. He also theorized that our dreams are ways in which we act out our suppressed desires. The Interpretation of Dreams, written by Sigmund Freud, is …show more content…

According to Ciccarelli and White many of today’s professionals no longer appreciate Freud’s dream theory (151). The theory proposed by Freud appears highly unscientific. The unconscious mind was important in Freud’s work and the Freudian theory emphasized that the unconscious mind governed behavior.

Consequently, to study Freud one must investigate his theory of manifest content and latent content. While reading Freud, a student learns that the actual content of the dream is referred to as manifest content. That is to say, the exact subject matter of the dream is the manifest content. At the same time, Freud believed that the latent content was the true meaning of a dream. The latent content appears to be left open to personal interpretations. It was Freud’s belief that dreams come from deep in the unconscious mind. Perhaps even from things suppressed since childhood. Freud studied dreams as a means of psychoanalyzing people and believed dreams were a kind of wish fulfillment. The view Freud took explained dreams as a window into an individual’s unconscious including their deepest desires and anxieties. In 1931 Freud wrote, as quoted in Schön (2016), “The Interpretation of Dreams . . . contains the most valuable of all the dream interpretation in theory discoveries it has been my fortune to make” (76-77). Dr. Freud was proud of his literary contributions to society. In today’s world dreams might be considered a pathway to a person’s true thoughts, actions and

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