
Dred Scott Decision Research Paper

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Dred Scott decision. Dred Scott moved North with his master and sues claiming that because he was in free territory, he was no longer a slave. The case goes to the Supreme Court and they rule in favor of Dred Scott’s master and the court says that not only is Dred Scott not free, but he cannot even bring a case to court. Many see this as the Federal Government backing the institution of slavery. The Dred Scott decision was a major win for the South and Pro-slavery citizens. This is an example of slaves having no rights. Eventually in 1861, war broke out between the Union(North) and the confederacy(South) when the confederacy attacked Fort Sumter. Each side had different ideas. The Union wanted to make all men free and the Confederacy wanted …show more content…

Lee. In addition to the Union and Confederacy, there were border states. Border states are slave states that aren't part of the confederacy. Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, Delaware, and West Virginia were all border states and they were all important. For example Missouri was the gateway to the west and Kentucky was close to the Ohio river. The Union had many more resources. This means that it would take an extensive amount of time for the confederacy to accomplish anything and eventually the South we be destroyed and financially in trouble. So the Confederacy eventually conceded for that reason in addition to the fact that the South was never supported by any foreign country. Midway through to war, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 which made the goal of the Civil War to end slavery. It did not outlaw slavery. Lincoln wanted a quick re-entry into the Union. Eventually, all of the Confederate states re-entered the Union and the thirteenth amendment was passed. The thirteenth amendment pronounced all slaves free men. It abolished slavery and it was abolished because slavery is seen as an injustice and that's what part of the war was

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