
Driverless Cars Persuasive Speech

Decent Essays

Wondered what life would be like it driverless cars where a thing? Well to welcome the future. Driverless cars are being made and they are getting tested and it is not a good thing. Driverless cars would be programmed to follow the driving rules, and only the driving rules. There are specific times to where a driver has to swerve over, make a fast stop, accelerate etc. Would a car that is driverless and only reliable on technology and sensors be able to handle that? Driverless cars should not be allowed on the roads in this society because it is a future disaster waiting to happen that is going to be endangering the lives of many humans because of the potential to have a severe money loss, hacking and safety issues, and underdeveloped technology. Driverless cars are going to cause …show more content…

Technology always has some bumps and crashes along the way, but is it really worth endangering the lives of humans? While Google has only tested eleven driverless cars, and one of the crashes made have only been human error. For example in Text two line 8 it says, “One Google car, in a test in 2009, couldn’t get through a four-way stop because its sensors kept waiting for other (human) drivers to stop completely and let it go. The human drivers kept inching forward, looking for the advantage paralyzing Google’s robot.” The human driver kept inching forward, is that really the issue or is it the lack of development in the sensors? While 10/11 test driverless cars have been good, are 11 test drives really all we need to deem that driverless cars are safe? There is time to develop the product and the sensors to improve it but these companies are wishing for driverless cars just when the time is not quite right. According to the articles read, these companies are wishing for driverless cars to be on the road in consumers hand by 2020. Human lives are more important than undeveloped & unpredictable driverless cars being on the

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