
Driving Age Essay

Decent Essays

Driving is the key to a teenager’s freedom of roaming roads and starting a life for themselves. This key is a sacred ritual in each child’s life; it should not be delayed. Recently, lawmakers have been debating whether or not the legal driving age should be raised from the current age of sixteen to eighteen. Lawmakers should not alter the legal driving age because it assists in educating the juveniles in responsibility, even though several can behave immaturely and are prone to texting, plus it also benefits parents. First off, driving at the age of sixteen can ameliorate teenagers’ understanding of the significant values of responsibility. When driving, the driver is compelled to harmonize with the street rules and fill the gas tank when displayed as empty. This provides …show more content…

There are numerous sustaining families with either an abundance of children or those surviving with a single parent. In today’s society, children are continuously traveling to innumerable activities, one after the other. There is only a vast amount parents can do, for they are not superheroes. With an additional chauffeur to help run errands and one less child to drive everywhere, parents can wipe off a portion of the stress on their shoulders. Having a sixteen-year-old that is allowed to drive can help liberate time and alleviate stress. In conclusion, preserving the driving age at sixteen braces teenagers for an independent life, even with their rebellious behavior, while allocating parents a helping hand. Driving at sixteen enlightens students about responsibility, time and money management, and coaches them for life in the future. On the contrary, teenagers are liable for texting while driving and shattering a few rules. However, it also attenuates a segment of detrimental stress for parents. The modern drivers are the incoming adults, it is only right to place the country’s faith in their

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