
Teenage Driving Laws : Raising The Minimum Driving Age

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As teenagers are leaving their homes, cities, and in many cases, states, to attend colleges, driving has become an integral part in a teen’s life. However, many states are putting heavy restrictions on teen drivers to keep not only them safe, but the rest of the community as well. But that has not been enough- teen drivers still are a major problem on the road due partly to their lack of mental development. This has pushed some states to consider raising minimum driving age, eliminating the whole problem of inexperience in drivers. The minimum age should not raised, however, because it will not help the issue of road safety. The problem of inexperience in starting drivers can not be fixed by raising the minimum driving age. If the minimum age is raised to 18, then the crashes with 16 and 17 year olds will become very small. However, the original amount of crashes will be seen with the 18 year olds, as they will be in the same situation as the 16 year olds did, but with a few years of experience. Therefore, they will react in a similar way, not affecting the total amount of crashes or the lack of safety on the road caused by these inexperienced drivers. In Source 2, “Teenage Driving Laws May Just delay deadly Crashes”, Anahad O’Connor states, “‘When you look at the bigger picture across 18- and 19-year-olds, it looks like we’re offsetting those saved crashes,’ he said. ‘In fact, 75 percent of the fatal crashes we thought we were saving actually just occurred two years

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