Saturday night I anxiously sat in bed waiting for the ten o’clock news, thinking about what tomorrow will bring. Will the anticipated snow make a landing? Will Hofstra cancel Student Admittance day due to inclement weather and will I be relinquished of having to speak in front of potentially one hundred people? The weather forecast suggested snowfall and cancelations; massive flows of people screeching to a halt because the railways, roadways, and buses are delayed.
Damascus, Maryland usually gets 2 days of snow if not less per year. Which is why it’s essential for every kid living in Montgomery County to make the best of their snow day when it actually comes. Snow days are very enjoyable for every kid, but it is sometimes difficult to find what you’re going to do.
Foster says that main characters need to surrogate fates to befall the minor characters in the stories because while most things happen to the protagonist, some things are needed for minor characters to experience to help move the story along. Minor characters are often used to take the hit for the protagonist to keep the story realistic but keeping the protagonist safe.
Do you really want to take your kids outside during the day, or even in the middle of the night, to go to the bathroom when it's 100 degrees or 30 degrees out? California has been in a drought for almost 3 years now. We barely have any water and now farmers are saying no to the laws that we want to make to regulate the water to everyone. Are you with the laws, or against the laws? In my opinion, there should be regulation because if farmers have all the water, parts of California will be completely dry without water. If that happens, then the people won’t be able to take a shower or go to the bathroom without going outside and doing it.
The state of California remains lost as to what action to take with the drought. What is the proper solution to the current predicament residents of California are in? The answer to that question is an improved form of desalination and mandating the amount of water that farmer’s are available to and what crops they should be limited to. California coastline runs along eight hundred and forty miles of the Pacific Ocean. With this easy access to this water, desalination is the most plausible solution to the lack of water. It is a process in which salt is extracted from ocean water through a process called reverse osmosis. This process is incredibly expensive and power hungry but creating a
At some point of our lives we have been asked or have heard the question, what can we not live without?. Many of us will not hesitate to mention family, friends, food, water, and other living essential we find futile to our survival. If we place these living essentials in order of importance some of us may place family over water. If you then think about it, we can live without our family, but we cannot live without water. Water gives us life its in our fruits, foods, and drinks. Without water we would not be alive and healthy for the most part. The importance of water is substantial and California is currently experiencing one of its worst droughts in history. The planet itself is also undergoing global warming, which only contributes to a more severe drought occurring in California. Droughts in California’s history did not have the contributing factor of Global warming diminishing their severity. California’s drought and Global warming share a common link in the factor that would contribute to the severity of the drought we are currently experiencing in California and
Albert Einstein once said, “It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” During the 1950s one of the most powerful inventions, the nuclear bomb, was on everybody's mind. An author called Ray Bradbury wrote science fiction texts and he wanted to show how people could died of nuclear destruction because of that nuclear forces it has caused problems in our society. In the story, “There will come soft rains” by Ray Bradbury, there is a house that started to burn down with the city. Therefore, technology has harmed society because society thinks that their inventions can protect them but it ends up harming humanity.
Imagine having to go outside every time one needs to use the restroom. There has been a drought going on in California for the past four years. There is a feud for water between farmers, citizens, and the drillers who get drain the water. The drought is a damaging issue that is affecting the lives of many. Therefore, California’s government should pass laws to manage how aquifers are to be properly used.
A normal day can turn into a day filled with icy cold snow and warm hot chocolate just by one call. One call that gives everyone around the school district a sigh of relief that they can curl up back in their comfy beds and sleep for an extra two or more hours. Some may wonder how one call makes everyone’s day so much better: it is because it is a call from the school saying there is no school today due to icy conditions. Upon hearing this one can be sure that their phone will be buzzing with ones friends asking what they are doing today, or maybe one snoozes through all the texts and continues to curl up in one’s warm blankets, with dogs heating ones feet. No matter what one chooses to do there always seems to be a trend as one gets older. This trend is that in the grades kindergarten through fifth grade, children love snow days to stay outside and play; then in grades sixth through ninth, children love snow days to stay inside and watch movies; finally children tenth through twelfth grade, children love snow days to again go outside and play.
It has no taste, no smell and no color. We find it in tanks, ponds, wells, rivers and springs. Almost three-fourth of the earth is water. Millions of years ago human beings used water for all rare reasons. Up till now people don't appreciate how precious water is. Saving water at home does not require any significant cost but there are many ways we can save water through our actions.
There is a water crisis which faces many parts of the world and it is a threat to survival of human beings since humans are primarily dependent on water. Shortage in drinking water is beginning to show its effects in first world countries, but is a current major problem facing lesser developed countries which have not taken drastic steps to harvest water and purify it to make it safe for human consumption. In developed countries the population growth has strained available water resources and stretched the ability of governments and private firms to provide safe drinking water to the vast majority of the population. Seventy one percent of
As we all know, water is essential for mankind's survival. However, people seem to believe that our water supply is endless since there is more water than land on this Earth. Water regenerates and is redistributed through evaporation, making it seem endlessly renewable. So why worry?
How do we halt a seemingly endless drought? California has many varying climates from the chilly Sierra Mountains to the parched deserts of Death Valley, but today they all have one thing in common: they are in a drought. The California drought has been a creeping phenomenon that has taken a hold of the state for the past five years. There has been little rain, soaring temperatures, and dropping water levels. The lack of water lead to severe water cuts, the spread of wildfire, and thirsty crops. In order to end the drought, California must conserve water.
A patio can be a great feature for any home because they can provide families with comfortable areas to enjoy sunny days. To prevent from being exposed to excessive sunlight, it is common for homeowners to install cloth patio covers. These covers can effectively shade your patio, but they will be subject to intense weathering. Fortunately, you will have a better idea about how to ensure that your patio covers last for as long as possible.
When was the last time you or your family were affected by the path of a hurricane? How was your experience? Some hurricanes can leave devastation, but it can be more dangerous if you don’t prepare and expose your family to the hazards during the landfall and aftermath. To be fully prepared in the event of a and have ways of staying informed and keep family entertained to avoid anxiety hurricane you must have an emergency evacuation plan. Gather essential supplies, protect one’s home, and have ways of staying informed and keep the family entertained to avoid anxiety or panic attacks.
The one thing humans need on this planet to survive is water. If we need water to survive, then why are polluting it? Most of our nation’s waterways are in terrible condition because of the pollution in the water. Water pollution not only can cause illnesses, but also deaths for humans. Humans aren’t the only thing that water pollution causes harm to. It is also hurting our ecosystem. Humans are the leading cause of most water pollution. We keep throwing wastes into the water making the water unsafe for humans to drink. Scientists are coming up with ways for humans to decrease the amount of wastes they are putting in the water. We need to stop polluting the one thing that keeps us alive.