
Drug Addiction In Junky And Naked Lunch

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The images that Burroughs presented in Junky, and The Yage Letters about drug addiction is totally different from the one he presented in Naked Lunch. In the previous books, Burroughs only showed the good party like side of drug addiction, it made him hallucinates but took away all the worries and fears he had. He traveled to Mexico, Columbia and Morocco because he wanted to freely do heroin and all the drugs he could get. He mentioned casually the side effects of drugs but it was normal for him and he wouldn’t stop doing it because of that. In addition, in the other books he was telling the story from the point of view of a rich man who had money to afford the life of a Junky, he could travel, he had a family and even though he killed his wife while under the influence of drugs he didn’t blame it on that. …show more content…

However, in the Naked Lunch drug addiction is presented as a disease, it destroys the souls of users and leave them as ghosts. They have no family, no friends, no jobs, and are only occupied and obsessed by their needs of heroin. “I am a ghost wanting what every ghost wants—a body—after the Long Time moving through odorless alleys of space where no life is only the colorless no smell of death….Nobody can breathe and smell it through pink convolutions of gristle laced with crystal snot, time shit and black blood filters of flesh” (Charters 131). In Naked Lunch he was exploring both the physical and emotional change that happen to addicts. How weak their bodies become, and they turn against each other because of drugs. Moreover, it seems like he hates the addicts and their empty lives. While in his previous books he loved the excitement that came with using drugs. He didn’t insults the friends that sold him the drugs or the people he sold

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