
Drug Addiction : Treatment For Pain Management

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In the United States, treatment for pain management is a top priority in the healthcare field. However, it is difficult for healthcare professionals to treat severe pain which requires the prescription of commonly abused medications such as morphine, oxycodone and hydrocodone. Pain that is reported by the patient is subjective and cannot be measured directly making it challenging to treat without producing addiction. Prescribed painkillers abuse has been linked to heroin addiction. Both prescribed opioids and heroin work by attaching to opioid receptors which reduce the sensation of pain, and create a sense of euphoria. Unlike many other drugs, heroin is usually injected, causing the drug to increase a person’s risk of infection. I chose …show more content…

As healthcare professionals use opioids as a solution for pain management, it may develop a pain addiction then becomes a transformation to a heroin dependency which leads to complications associated with the drug use such as HIV, Hepatitis C, endocarditis, phlebitis, respiratory depression, and even death.
As addiction to heroin and fatal overdoses cases increase, creating solutions to successfully treat with effective rehabilitation becomes more of a priority. For treatment, the role of a nurse caring for a patient with a heroin addiction is to provide a plan of care that is successful in modifying the patient’s long-term lifestyle. An effective nursing intervention in the care plan can be medication administration of methadone maintenance treatment which have proven to be successful in evaluation. People who are addicted to heroin can find help from rehabilitation clinics or hospitals with substance abuse care that can be provided. During assessment, a nurse may expect to observe the patient who suffers from heroin addiction with constricted pupils, altered level of consciousness, slurred speech, needle marks, dry mouth, constipation, flushing of the skin or clammy skin. The nurse should monitor the patient’s level of consciousness, orientation, respiratory rate, heart rate, pulse oximetry, temperature, blood pressure and fluid input and output. The nurse should collect a history assessment for the patient including the

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