
Drug Trafficking And Its Effects On The American Civil War

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The history of drug trafficking goes back to the nineteenth century when drugs like heroin, cocaine and morphine were introduced into society and exposed people to the dangers of abuse and addiction. The US began adopting restrictions on drug use, distribution and trafficking both locally and the international production of coca and opium crops, but it also elicited a massive kickback from drug cartels. In the 1850s, Chinese immigrants introduced opium smoking when they came to California. By the 1890s, opium dens were common in American society. Opium was then followed by morphine, laudanum, paregoric and codeine. The use of these drugs became even more local with the adoption of the hypodermic syringe. Morphine use actually became popular for pain relief during the American Civil War, resulting in much unwitting addiction. Marijuana use became popular in the 1930s after the price of alcohol increased so much it became unaffordable. It was during this period that studies started to emerge documenting the relationship between marijuana use and crime and violence.Mexican drug cartels have received much publicity for the violent manner in which they control the marijuana trade between the United States and Mexico.

In the 1960s, substances such as psychedelics, marijuana and amphetamines experienced more widespread use and the government had to develop new laws in order to stop it. This movement of “modern”

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