
Dry Teeth Research Paper

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Tips For Dental Care When You Have Dry Mouth

When you have xerostomia, or dry mouth, it's important to practice good oral hygiene to prevent tooth decay. With dry mouth, you have less saliva than normal. Saliva is needed to keep bacterial growth on your teeth under control. Along with keeping your gums and teeth moist, saliva contains enzymes and antibacterial properties that help fight tooth decay. Here are some dental hygiene tips for protecting your teeth when you have dry mouth.

Brush And Floss

You may want to increase the number of times you brush daily. If you brush after every meal and every snack, you'll get rid of sticky bits of food that attract bacteria. Flossing is important too because it gets rid of food that is caught between …show more content…

Instead, look for products made for people with dry mouth. These soothe the irritation of dry gums while helping guard against tooth decay. Your dentist may recommend certain brands of mouthwash and toothpaste if you need additional fluoride for protecting your teeth.

Have Regular Dental Cleanings

When you have dry mouth, you want to see your dentist on a regular schedule so the condition of your mouth and teeth can be monitored. Your teeth may develop plaque and tartar when you have a diminished amount of saliva, especially if you avoid harsh dental products designed to remove them. You'll want to have your teeth professionally cleaned according to the schedule recommended by your dentist. This will help you avoid gum disease, tooth decay, and even bad breath that often accompanies dry mouth.

Keep Your Mouth Moist

Keeping your mouth moist increases your comfort, and it may help prevent gum irritation from dryness as well as inhibit bacterial growth. You can increase moisture by sipping water constantly throughout the day. Also try sucking on hard candy as this can stimulate the production of saliva. Just avoid sugary drinks and candy since these contribute to the development of cavities. Your dentist may recommend you try artificial saliva. It has a thickening agent that helps it cling to your mouth and teeth so the moistening effect lasts longer than what you get with plain

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