
Dual Federalism Research Paper

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Federalism is a system of governance in which two or more sovereign states come together to form one big nation. Dual federalism is a rare type of federalism. It makes a clear distinction between the states and the national government. In a dual federalism, states are considered as powerful components of the federal government. In the United States of America, states have all the powers that are not given to the national states. Differently from cooperating federalism, in a dual federalism; the relationship between the states and national governments is based on tension not on pure cooperation. In 1786-1787, in Philadelphia, the farmers were divided over the type of nation they were going to set forth. In another word, the choice between a more powerful central or limited national government in which …show more content…

For instance, the national government was limited to the enumerated powers listed in the Article 1 section 8 of the U.S. constitution. On the other hand, states were given all the powers that were not listed in the Article 1 section 8 of the constitution. As examples we can cite the regulation of their own economic policies, local matters and criminal law. Besides that, the dual federalism also lighted up the dual citizenship. Moreover, a citizen of any state is also considered as the citizen of the United States with the same rights and responsibilities before the national government. The dual citizenship under the dual federalism, with a case called Barron versus Baltimore brought back the old debate about the Bill of Rights. Dual federalism by making almost states more powerful as national government is led partly to a war that had changed the face of the United States. The civil war (1861-1865) broke up between southern states and northern states. It was basically a fight between the Union (national government) against some revolted states that were motivated by the dissolution of the Union. It ended by finally reinforcing more the powers to the

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