
Dualist View Of Star Trek's

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After I've read both the Star Trek synopsis and chapter 3 of Hasker's textbook "Metaphysics: Constructing a Worldview" it's clear that what is seen of the mind and body issue that was displayed by Picard within the synopsis of Star Trek: The Next Generation was Dualism view. The truth about Maddox is he can be a part of the scientific research the division of Starfleet with orders to dismantle data on the starship enterprise. In the episode, the conflict between Picard and Maddox stems from two different views of what makes a machine a machine and what makes a human a human. The Robot is Picard friend, data is the individual and ought to be able to form choices as a real individual ought to. In my conclusion, I believe that Picard was depicting …show more content…

A machine can so have a brain of a human being but it can't have a mind of a human being and it can't have emotions and feelings and it needs to be void of any ethical choices and moral standards. It can't be considered a human being as it were a machine. Data has the capacity to create choices due to having a brain and more so, the concept of soul is truly a metaphysical one and its presence is up for debate, the JAG officer was really right to abstain from giving any judgment on the issues of the mind and body. Hasker has pointed out that since the properties recognize people from standard materials objects by other creatures which a few of the same questions have to emerge concerning those creatures as emerge concerning human creatures. Data is treated like and acts like a human being in most circumstances. He had formed a relationship and endeavor to be more than just his nuts and bolts, exceptionally much like a human being. The JAG officer focuses on this matter when she says, "we have been moving around fundamental issues such as: does data have a soul?, I don't know that he has, I don't know that I have. I do believe we have a commitment to really give data a change in this matter. Just because these machines aren't human, doesn't mean we aren't committed to treating them with the correct respect. I think that the A.I. is progressing to be a human creation and be the responsible one of the wellbeing of A.I. Within the future and guarantee the ethical

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