
Duality In Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde

Decent Essays

From the beginning of the time to the end, good or evil in men, duality, is being represented everywhere. The theme of duality is also depicted in 1800 literature. In Robert Louis Stevenson’s novella, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Stevenson uses the theme of duality in man to determine good or evil.
Duality, good or evil in men, is split up into two different people when Dr. Jekyll did his experiment. Dr. Jekyll realizes through his experiments “that man is not truly one, but truly two” (Stevenson 57). This shows that Jekyll has realized that all men have 2 sides to themselves: good and evil. Jekyll has created his good side, Jekyll, to help people and his bad side, Hyde, to have fun and do bad things that he couldn’t do as Jekyll, but Jekyll made

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