
Duncan's Ambition In Macbeth

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As the play progresses, the readers perspective on Macbeth is an honorable man. Soon after the witches give Macbeth his prophecy of being king, he starts to question whether or not he should kill Duncan, but comes to a conclusion that he should do the right thing and let King Duncan live another day. He states “If chance may have me king, chance may crown me without my stir” (I.ii.159) This shows how Macbeth would rather not kill Duncan and let it come to him when Duncans is up. Also, Macbeth is being loyal to Duncan by not killing him for his selfish desires. Macbeth has been true to the king throughout the play and is not trying to betray Duncan. However, Macbeth has had these visions of daggers which means that these sights may lead to Duncans …show more content…

Macbeths careless actions makes him fearful that he might get caught. This fear lead to even more anihilation in the castle. He assumes that Banquo was a smart man and would figure it out so it led to him hiring murderers to kill him. Macbeth manipulates the murderers by saying “So is he mine and in such bloody distance that every minute of his being thrusts against my near’st of life”(III.i.120). This shows how Macbeth is still not thinking about the consequences his actions lead up to and how his greed really started this in the first place. If he did not listen to what the witches had to say in the first place this never would have ended up happening, but Macbeth made a huge mistake that will eventually lead to his downfall. Also Macbeth says “whos abscence is no less material to me” (III.i.42). This shows how he is willing to depose everyone in his path in order to be king and will anything in his power to make it stay that way. Also, this shows his selfish and evil desires to be king. These are qualities that a bad king has, only worrying about their needs and not putting others before themselves. Macbeth will never be as great of a king as Duncan, but since the witches said he was gonna be king he listened to them and did what he was not supposed

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